Heart disease is the world's #1 killer, Eko has the hardware and software to detect early stage heart diseases. In seconds, Eko AI guides the user through exams to check for signs of heart disease. Eko Apps works in the background to help visualize, record, and share patient data.
SENSORA App: Uses AI to detect murmurs in seconds. 

• Simplifying the exam flow  
• Updating the UI with a new design system
• Optimize display of exam summary and results
• Implement EHR integration

Key Usability Issues with Existing App:
• Not all users know where to place the stethoscope 
• Exam takes too long and has multiple UX issues
• Summary screen is difficult to interpret
• No EHR integration
The lower half of the exam flow (Fig.1) has a lot of unnecessary cues and feels clunky. If the user selects "placement," a drawer (Fig.3) slides over the recording, interrupting the exam. Although testing validated that the user needs guidance (where to place the stethoscope), this functionality is disruptive. The image of the device (Fig.1) is not valuable. It takes up too much space. Clinicians found the summary screen (Fig.4) very difficult to read. "It's not clear what the result is. There is too much scrolling." Research showed it was not obvious that the exam was complete -users were uncertain about what to do next.
How I Solved these Design Problems (new designs):
I first assessed the space below the waveform (Fig.1). I added a visual guide for placement and combined this with the action that is currently happening (recording, listening, etc.). Clinicians were confused about when the exam was complete (this was often not a PCP, but a medical assistant not familiar with cardiac exams). To solve this, I added a modal screen (Fig.2) that notifies the user when the exam is complete. This is a simple message indicating something needs attention or results are normal. The MA can leave this screen open or view the full summary (Fig.3). This solves the "I don't know when the design is complete problem" with our users. The new summary screen is also more scannable and each position links to a more detailed summary of that recording. This detail view will launch a drawer displaying this view.
Full updated SENSORA flow:
Eko Web Portal: Patient Findings Data
After an exam is taken, the patient's findings will be displayed in the web dashboard. The doctor can see a breakdown of murmur types and positive findings for their clinic.
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